215267701 Refrigerator Door Shelf End Cap (White) AP2110843 PS422444

Part Number:215267701
215267701 Refrigerator Door Shelf End Cap (White) AP2110843 PS422444
Your Price:: $3.25
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215267701 Door Shelf End Cap (White) - AP2110843, PS422444

Shelf End Cap (White) 215267701, is made for Frigidaire, Electrolux, Gibson, Kenmore, Kelvinator, Tappan, White Westing House brand refrigerator models. 

This part may also be called a shelf bar retainer support.

Single white door shelf end cap that can be used as either left or right side end cap. 

Replaces, 215267700, 444, AH422444, EA422444, PS422444, AP2110843, etc. 

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