Find your appliance's model number printed on a paper sticker tag, like the one above, located on your appliance. Your model number can be just number or made up of numbers and letters. It's important to get the entire model number copied down exactly as you see it on the tag or sticker.
Do not use the model number off of your appliance's manual, as it might not be the correct model number for the appliance that is in your home. The manual or guide could be used for different model types of that appliances, so always find the model number tag and go by that.
Below are the different places to look for it on different appliance types.
Air Conditioner (Window)
Air Conditioner (Central)
Dryer - Electric
Dryer Gas
Stove, Range and Oven
Freezer - Upright
Freezer - Horizontal
Washing Machine - Top Loader
Washer - Front Loader