4 Steps to a Sustainable Laundry Room

Posted by Maddie Taggart on 7/21/2020 to DIY
4 Steps to a Sustainable Laundry Room

Washing your laundry has a larger effect on the environment than you may think. From wasting water to the products used to wash your clothes, your laundry room can have a huge impact on the planet. However, being more sustainable is simple and affordable. Small changes like using your washer more efficiently or just swapping your products can help the environment. Follow these simple steps to easily help the environment from your laundry room.

Simple Steps to Save on Energy

Posted by Katie Richardson on 4/4/2019 to Appliance Maintenance

Most major appliances are essential to modern homes, but they tend to require a great deal of energy to run. This can swiftly increase your electricity bill, not to mention the negative impact extra energy use can have on the environment. Some of this energy cost is unavoidable, but there are simple things you can do to decrease it. Keep reading to learn some basic tips to reduce your energy costs from your main appliances!

Hand Washing Do's and Don'ts

Posted by Jessica Zoldowski on 1/21/2019 to DIY

When it comes to laundry, sometimes certain items need to be hand washed instead of thrown in the washer or dryer. For many people, they wouldn’t even know where to begin in this situation. Below will be a few tips to keep in mind when having to hand wash certain clothing items.

Troubleshoot your Washer

Posted by Katie Richardson on 1/16/2019 to Washer

It is hard to imagine completing your household chores without the help of the washing machine. So what happens if it is not working properly?? Often times, it is a minor issue with a simple solution. So before you panic, read these five common washer problems and how to take care of them- and it is likely you’ll be able to get things back up and running on your own!

Fabric Softener v. Dryer Sheets

Posted by Jessica Zoldowski on 1/14/2019 to Dryer

When it comes to clothing certain questions always seem to surface in the cleaning process. Clothing should be treated right so they must be cleaned right so people become curious. The question which will be discussed further is “What is the difference between fabric softener and dryer sheets?”

What Do Those Laundry Symbols Actually Mean?

Posted by Shelby Cohan on 11/12/2018 to Dryer
What Do Those Laundry Symbols Actually Mean?

Everyone’s been there; you go to wash an item of clothing but when you look at the laundry tag you have no idea what those symbols mean.  Appliance Parts Experts is here to help you out. Below is a quick guide to deciphering those symbols and gets your laundry done in a flash!

Maintain the Front-Loading Washing Machine

Posted by Jessica Zoldowski on 10/15/2018 to Appliance Maintenance

Maintaining a washer can be quite difficult, even when you didn’t know you had to maintain them. Front loading washing machines have grown fairly popular because of their gentle cycle on clothing and their efficient use of water and energy. To keep from buying a new front load washing machine, here are a few tips to keep the machine maintained and lasting longer.

How to Save Water Use with Your Appliances

Posted by Maddie Taggart on 8/27/2018 to Dishwasher
When using appliances like your dishwasher and washing machine, you tend to use a lot of water. Same goes for  when you use your sink or shower, and even when you clean. So, here are some tips to help conserve water use when using your water-savvy appliances.
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