Natural Cleaning Tips

Posted by Katie Richardson on 11/28/2018 to Appliance Maintenance

Are you someone who enjoys a clean house, but hates to use harsh chemicals? Then you will be pleased to know that there are a number of natural cleaning techniques that you can use to keep your appliances and home surfaces perfectly clean, without the chemicals. Here are some great ones!

What Shouldn't go in the Dishwasher?

Posted by Jessica Zoldowski on 11/26/2018 to Appliance Maintenance

Dishwashers are a great but tricky appliance. They help clean the mess of dishes that can pile up over time and they can save you time. However, there are certain things that shouldn’t be run through the dishwasher. This is for the benefit of the dishwasher, but mostly the dishes or utensils.

First Thanksgiving Tips!

Posted by Jessica Zoldowski on 11/19/2018 to DIY

Thanksgiving is here! The festivities and the day of cooking is upon us. Although it can be a stressful day, it is a fun filled day full of family and friends, but is this your first time cooking? No worries, here is a list of things to keep in mind when being a first time cook as we head into the Thanksgiving week!

Take Care of Those Kitchen Odors

Posted by Katie Richardson on 11/14/2018 to Appliance Maintenance

Do you ever notice a certain smell in your home that you can’t quite place, but you know that it is definitely not good? This can happen for a number of reasons, and bad odors can often originate in the kitchen. But don’t worry! It is easy to take care of. Here are some of the most common places that odors originate and some tips to get rid of them.

What Do Those Laundry Symbols Actually Mean?

Posted by Shelby Cohan on 11/12/2018 to Dryer
What Do Those Laundry Symbols Actually Mean?

Everyone’s been there; you go to wash an item of clothing but when you look at the laundry tag you have no idea what those symbols mean.  Appliance Parts Experts is here to help you out. Below is a quick guide to deciphering those symbols and gets your laundry done in a flash!

Stress Free Thanksgiving!

Posted by Jessica Zoldowski on 11/12/2018 to Appliance Maintenance

The exciting holiday festivities are excitingly around the corner. However, for those who partake in preparing the Thanksgiving feast, other than just eating it, it can be fairly stressful. No need to stress though because below are some tips to create a happy stress free Thanksgiving!

6 Unconventional Uses For Your Kitchen Appliance

Posted by Shelby Cohan on 11/8/2018 to Appliance Maintenance
6 Unconventional Uses For Your Kitchen Appliance
The freezer is just for freezing food, the microwave is just for warming up food, and the coffeemaker is just for making coffee, right? Wrong. Some appliances have multiple uses that you might have never thought about before

Kill the Odor in the Car

Posted by Jessica Zoldowski on 11/7/2018 to Appliance Maintenance

Car odors can be  an awful thing to come upon. Who has time to clean the inside of a car, especially since the cold weather is coming. Have no fear, removing bacteria that can create odors in your car can be much simpler than people can realize. Below are a few good ways to get rid of the bad smell that can be lurking in your car.

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