Are you Getting the Most Out of your Freezer?

Posted by Katie Richardson on 4/24/2019 to Appliance Maintenance

Freezers are essential for preservation, storage, and ice creation. Even though this appliance is in every home and seems basic, there are still a few tricks to it. A lot of people make small mistakes when using the freezer and these small mistakes can add up. Read these tips on preventing common mistakes so you can get the most out of your freezer!

Maintain your Pet-Friendly Home

Posted by Katie Richardson on 4/17/2019 to DIY

Do you love your pets, but not so much love the way they can sometimes make your house look? Our animal friends can add a lot of joy to a home, but they can also make it a lot more difficult to keep the home clean. But it is possible to have your pets and a clean living space! Read on for some tips to maintain cleanliness, no matter what type of little friend you have running around.

Household Tips to ‘Go Green’ for Earth Day

Posted by Nina Harlach on 4/16/2019 to Appliance Maintenance
Household Tips to ‘Go Green’ for Earth Day
Leading a more environmentally friendly lifestyle is something many of us try to do on a regular basis in order to keep our planet as clean as possible while minimizing waste. Many of us know the basic things that can be done to ‘Go Green’, like recycling, turning off electronic devices when you leave a room, and trying to reduce the overall amount of waste we create.

We are here to give you a few tips that can be incorporated at home to help you take the extra step in ‘Going Green’, and that can be done with your household appliances. When your appliances are used in the most efficient way possible, you can save water, electricity, gas, and even more. Efficiently using your appliances can also save you money, so why not try to ‘Go Green’ while saving yourself some green?

Care for your Cast Iron

Posted by Katie Richardson on 4/10/2019 to DIY

Cooking with cast iron has a lot of benefits, such as the non-stick surface, durability, and heat retention, but they take some extra special care when it comes to cleaning and care. Continue reading to learn the best ways to keep your cast iron pans in good shape for years to come!

Simple Steps to Save on Energy

Posted by Katie Richardson on 4/4/2019 to Appliance Maintenance

Most major appliances are essential to modern homes, but they tend to require a great deal of energy to run. This can swiftly increase your electricity bill, not to mention the negative impact extra energy use can have on the environment. Some of this energy cost is unavoidable, but there are simple things you can do to decrease it. Keep reading to learn some basic tips to reduce your energy costs from your main appliances!

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